
Digital Platforms

Digital platforms are technologies that aggregate solutions and users around particular use cases. For example, Airbnb brings property owners and people who are looking to rent a room together with technology that offers an easy way to market, search for, reserve, and pay for rooms.

Digital platforms have a wide range of use cases across all industries and global regions, and they play a critical role in digital transformation and the larger digital economy. In fact, IDC predicts that by 2018, more than 50 percent of large enterprises will create or partner with industry platforms, a number that rises to 80 percent of enterprises with advanced digital transformation strategies.

Overall, by 2020, the proportion of organizations that will have deployed digital-platform strategies will have more than doubled, to over 60 percent.

Three Keys To a Winning Digital Platform Strategy

In the digital economy, platforms can help go to market faster, drive innovation, and improve the customer experience. Read about the three keys to a winning platform strategy that will help you differentiate from your competitors.

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The AppDirect Platform

How Platforms Power Success in the Digital Economy

Read about the latest digital transformation trends and the importance of successful platforms and ecosystems in the digital economy.

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Finding the right marketplace provider platform

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