
Cloud Marketplace

A cloud marketplace is a type of application marketplace. It is synonymous with SaaS marketplace. At a cloud marketplace, customers can go to an online storefront to find, purchase, and manage cloud-based applications.

Cloud marketplaces can offer varying degrees of functionality, from simple listings where customers can compare SaaS products and be referred to a vendor to complete their purchases, to a full digital commerce experience that allows customers to buy and immediately provision software.

According to Gartner, enterprise customers of all sizes buy over half of their services from cloud marketplaces, making them a cornerstone of a successful go-to-market strategy for providers looking to sell SaaS.

What Are the Benefits of Partnering to Launch a Marketplace Platform?

Building a solution in-house or purchasing a solution remains one of the toughest questions that technology buyers have to consider. To learn more about the "build versus buy" decision platforms, AppDirect commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study on AppMarket, its marketplace solution.

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Finding the right marketplace provider platform

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