Building Block 11 Customer Lifestyle Management


Building Block 11: Customer Lifecycle Management


When it comes to cloud services, the sales cycles are often longer, management is more complex, and support requires more expertise. These are higher hurdles to clear, but for companies that do it well, the rewards can be even greater.

Optimizing Sale Cycles

Building Long-Lasting Relationships

First among these is the opportunity to build long-lasting relationships with customers that drive long-term value. However, for providers that focus on the long game, managing the entire customer lifecycle is essential to success.

Here is a high-level breakdown of customer lifecycle stages:

  • Purchase


    The customer buys a product

  • Onboarding


    The customer begins to get comfortable with the product

  • Advanced Use

    Advanced Use

    The customer has mastered the basics and is ready to use additional features and functionality

  • Expanded Use

    Expanded Use

    The customer is ready to be up/cross sold on additional products to meet their changing needs

Providing Multiple Touch Points

Providers need to create multiple touch points to help customers in one stage reach the next. Customer communications are critical to lifecycle management, and having a clear idea of how and when you will communicate with your customers is critical.

Providing Multiple Touch Points

Strategy Tips

  • Time Based Communications

    Time-Based Communications

    The easiest way to move customers through the lifecycle is to send time-based communications — communications that are set at predetermined times to encourage certain actions.

  • Behavior Based

    Behavior Based

    Another approach may be behavior-based. An example can be if the provider sends out a “Welcome to Your New Service” communication, and then follow it up with a “How-To” series.

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