
Telstra Delivers More Value to Customers

Australia’s largest telco iterates faster and responds to changing customer demands.


Telstra is the largest telco in Australia, but it has never lost its focus on innovation. That’s why the company was looking to launch and scale a next generation SaaS platform that could bring together a strong ecosystem of partners to create more value for its customers.

Telstra Challenge


“We found that AppDirect’s vision aligned with our own,” says Tim Otton, General Manager of Cloud Strategy & Platforms. From there, the decision to work with AppDirect was easy. With AppDirect’s complete end-to-end platform, Telstra can focus on adding value to customers. “We don’t need to build and maintain a platform, we can concentrate on go-to-market and where we can provide value.”


With AppDirect, Telstra can iterate faster and respond to dynamic customer demand for business applications. “We now have a strong ecosystem of providers and developers that gives customers great choices in the apps they use,” Otton says.

Customer Quote

"The AppDirect platform aligns strongly with our strategy to bring together solutions from various providers to give customers exactly the solutions they need for their businesses.”

Tim Otton, GM of Cloud Strategy & Platforms

How CSPs Partner with AppDirect

  • Solutions for CSPs

    Whether you’re new to cloud commerce or looking to scale, AppDirect can help you market, manage, and sell the native and third-party services your customers are looking for.

    Learn More

  • Improve Margins and Customer Experience 

    Automate processes to simplify provisioning, billing, and end-user management.

    Learn More

  • Scale and Monetize Cloud Support Operations 

    Leverage the experts, tools, and processes to grow your SaaS support services.


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