The 2019 Digital Economy Report

Discover the Latest Digital Transformation Trends

Most companies have started their digital transformation journeys. Learn what separates those that succeed from those that don't.

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Digital transformation is now an imperative for success in the data-driven, always-on, customer-first, global digital economy. Driven by a desire for growth, most companies have already started down the path to change. Almost all run into several common challenges along the way.

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An Incisive Look at the Changing Digital Landscape

Over the past 10 years, digital transformation has gone from business buzzword to mission-critical strategy. To dig deeper into this phenomenon, AppDirect conducted a survey of C-suite executives.

The survey report explores:

  • Tei Icon Speed

    The Current State of Digital Transformation

    Details how many companies have digital transformation initiatives and how much progress they have made toward their goals.

  • Tei Icon Revenue

    Drivers of Digital Transformation

    Looks at the common reasons companies pursue digital initiatives, including generating revenue and customer acquisition.

  • Partner Solutions

    Barriers to Success in the Digital Economy

    Explains the obstacles that are impacting digital transformation projects, including lack of executive support.

  • Tei Icon Cloud

    Factors that Determine Success in the Digital Economy

    Explores the elements that digital transformation must have to be successful, such as a platform strategy.

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Today, the majority of companies know that digital transformation is critical to thrive in the digital economy. Despite this, significant challenges to deploying a digital strategy remain.


Key Takeaways from the Report

The 2019 Digital Economy Report features dozens of relevant findings, including:

  • 77% of executives say that digital transformation is “very important” to their overall business strategy
  • 45% of executives say that growth is the primary reason for their digital transformation initiatives
  • 55% of executives say investing in the right technology, platforms, and software is the most challenging
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