The State of B2B Subscription Commerce in the New Normal

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Impacting Digital Initiatives

The global COVID-19 pandemic has upended the business world as we know it. Many companies had to make drastic changes to their operations, almost overnight. Do digital-first organizations now have an advantage? Read our latest survey report to learn about the "new normal" for digital commerce.

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The final chapter has yet to be written about COVID-19, but among businesses, its impact on digital innovation has been fast and almost universal. In fact, 97 percent of companies said that the pandemic has affected their digital commerce initiatives in some way.


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New Normal Survey Report Img4

Key Findings

Our survey report reveals several striking trends that are shaping the new reality for companies looking to succeed in digital commerce.

  • The era of subscription commerce is here: 95 percent of companies offer at least one subscription-based product or service

  • Companies are concerned about keeping up with the pace of change: More than eight out of 10 organizations—83 percent—are “very” or “somewhat” concerned about sustaining their rate of digital transformation

  • Organizations are investing for the long-term: Despite the need for immediate changes, a sizable majority of all organizations, 77 percent, are focused on making long-term investments in digital strategy

  • Software ecosystem partners are a must: Nearly every company, 97 percent, said they rely on ecosystems to bring digital products to market and do so more quickly

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