
Discover new perspectives on the performance and functionality of your mobile apps with a Keynote dashboard from AppInsights.


Keynote offers a powerful suite of tools designed to test, monitor, and analyze the performance of your mobile apps. With AppInsights, gain crucial insights into these various product modules so you can make informed decisions and refine your mobile strategy. Using real-time visualizations and data filters that you choose, generate a real-time view to ensure that existing applications are operating efficiently and new applications ramp up successfully.

What can I accomplish with a Keynote dashboard?

  • Use live dashboards to draw attention to unexpected dips in app performance so you can generate solutions before users are impacted
  • Use live URL share-links to distribute dashboards across your organization so discussions around mobile strategy occur organically
  • Schedule automated reports to land in your inbox so you have daily or weekly performance records on hand for deeper analysis
  • Add data streams from other tools that are relevant to your mobile strategy -- web traffic, social media, analytics -- so you have a complete view of your app’s success
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Find out how easy it is to gather and understand your most important metrics when you sign up for a free AppInsights trial.