Yendo Accounts Makes Accounting Easy

By Doriane Mouret / October 25, 2011

Yendo Screenshot

Morgan Lynch created Yendo Accounts, a flexible and easy-to-use financial accounting solution for small businesses, after having a frustrating -- but all too common -- experience. He explains, “While working in a previous company, our finance manager went on maternity leave and her job was temporarily covered by three different people. At the time our accounts software was installed on one workstation and it was impossible for us all to work at the same time. Over the course of six months our accounts slowly became a mess. We each had our own spreadsheets and we would take it in turns to update the actual accounts. There was no way to work collaboratively and no way to work outside of the office. Out of the frustration of this experience, Yendo was born.”

Yendo allows users share accounts with advisors in real-time while also enabling them to create customized invoices, save invoices to PDF or email them to customers. Users can also track overdue invoices, create real-time reports and easily access and manage bank balances. Plus, the application is accessible on devices including computers, tablets and phones, making it convenient whether users are in the office or on the move.

“The mission of Yendo is to make accounting ‘easy’,” Lynch says. “We want any business manager to be able to manage his/her own finances, in a convenient way, without requiring expert help. [The application] has been translated into Spanish, French, Japanese and Portuguese and it currently used in over 40 countries. Multi-lingual teams can work across borders and time zones to work in the most flexible way possible.”

Yendo Accounts is helping more than 30,000 small businesses worldwide. By simplifying accounting processes, businesses can free resources, allocating them instead to more strategic tasks. For example, one English plumbing customers increased profitability by more than 20 percent by relocating resources from accounting to on-site supervision. Ryan Kieff, from RAMM Technical Services LLC, a firm located in the United States, is also enthusiastic: “Yendo Accounts has proven to be an invaluable accounts tool for our business,” he says.

Business looking for a clear and simple tool to assist them in daily accounting operations can try Yendo Accounts for free on AppDirect.